Evo Balance bike for new riders Run Bike

Great way for young ones to learn balance and steering and to have fun while doing it. Balance bikes are built without pedals, cranks, sprockets and chain to allow the child to propel themselves along using their feet to go and to stop.

The Beep-Beep balance bike is built with 12″ lightweight alloy rims and air filled tires for proper cushion and traction. Nice rubber grips with flanges on the ends to help hands from slipping off.

Minimum seat height is 13.5″ or 34mm and the max height is 16″ or 40.5mm.

run bike
strider bike



Marin Bayview Trail 24 mountain bike

Featuring the same lightweight aluminum frame construction as our adult bikes, but with features appropriate for the smaller rider, the Bayview Trail models will be the key to your child’s freedom, and establish a lifelong love of riding a bike.
Proven Shimano 2x8 speed drivetrain and the power of hydraulic disc brakes, but with features appropriate for the smaller rider, the Bayview Trail models will be the key to your child's freedom, and establish a lifelong love of riding a bike.
Proven Shimano 2×8 speed drivetrain and the power of hydraulic disc brakes, but with features appropriate for the smaller rider, the Bayview Trail models will be the key to your child’s freedom, and establish a lifelong love of riding a bike.
Boy's Bayview Trail
Boy’s Bayview Trail
Girl's Bayview Trail
Girl’s Bayview Trail